Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Cookies!

I was very excited to find out that my host mom bakes all through November, creating several different kinds of christmas cookies just like my mom and aunt do at home every year! Except Austrian cookies are very different from the sweet cookies we usually make at home... They are made with nuts, eggs as glazing instead of frosting, and natural ingredients of course.  We started by making home made marmalade (Jam) with home grown blackberries, then made lots of different treats!

Making home made marmalade! (Blackberry jam)

Making cookie bars, with fresh jam.

Then it was covered in lots of ground, fresh nuts.

We made one apricot and one raspberry. Then cooked them,
cut into little triangles and heated up chocolate.

The white and dark chocolate was sprinkled over
the whole thing!

Cookies originating from Lintz!

Filled with home made jam, of course.
And sprinkled with powdered sugar!

Cocoanut balls... It took me forever to roll them all out!

Hand-rolled balls in cocoanut! 

All done! We ran out of little cup holders
so I had to put the rest in the box without them :)

Gingerbread cut out cookies!

Decorated with different nuts and fruits, glazed in egg

Gingerbread covered in dark chocolate.

And decorated with nuts, fruit and sprinkles!

Alexandra, my 6 year old host sister, helped me decorate
them all :)

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