Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WIEN (Vienna, Austria)

Vienna is a school sponsored trip, and is separate from the 10 day travel period throughout Europe.  The four day trip was packed with tours and lectures, some awesome and some were honestly a bit boring.  The train ride was only two hours from Salzburg, and once we arrive in Vienna we were shown to the hostel and then provided a short tour around Vienna.  There was a holiday at that time, and there were military events everywhere which I though was really cool.  After the tour some of us went to dinner and got a bit lost on the way back, but found our way eventually. The city is huge, beautiful, and packed with people.  

The second day we had an "official" tour by a local that lasted three hours and included tours in a big church and to the Habsburg burial vault.  I also saw the Jewish town center and memorial, many more buildings and great statues (with horses!)  For lunch we went to the "Naschmarkt," a local market with fresh produce and shops.  At 1 pm we met again for another tour.  This tour was on the "Vienna Ring Tram," a subway that provides audio guides with music and a narrator as we passed significant buildings and monuments.

On the third day I skipped the first lecture at the Bank Money Museum and Opera house to go see the Vienna Spanish Riding School famous LIpizzaner Stallions!"  For three hours I was able to watch the morning training with classical Austrian music, it was really beautiful.  Unfortunately they do not allow cameras so I only have a couple pictures and video's.  After the riding school I met with the group again to tour the Archives of the Austrian Resistance.

Day four was much less packed with tours... we only went to Schloß Schönbrunn, a summer palace from the royalty.  From here I let with some friends to go to Prague!
Main Church

Stained glass inside the church

Pillars and detail inside the church

Habsburb burial vault

Burial vault

Another view of the main church

Inside the Vienna Spanish Riding School!

More beautiful than I could have ever imagined!

Cooling out one of the stallions after a workout

Morning exercize

So beautiful!

At Schloß Schönbrunn

Schloß Schönbrunn

Statue in historical town center

Military helicopter at one of the events in town

and a tank!

Cart horses in town 

Jewish memorial in the Jewish town center

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